Dispute resolution
I see it differently
Most disputes and investigations are resolved through negotiation and rarely end up in court.
I apply strategic negotiation and alternative dispute resolution skills as a core strategy (litigating when necessary).
This delivers excellent results for clients, and almost always improves relationships, even with the Inland Revenue.

Tax advice
That is practical, robust and stands the test of time
Tax advice does not operate in a vacuum. It impacts on your financial position and how you report it, and is subject to scrutiny by the Inland Revenue and Customs for a number of years. I know what works, what is practical, and because of my disputes experience, can give a fair assessment of the risk of any tax position, now and in the future.
10 years at PwC Auckland
Disputes resolution specialist
Private clients, high wealth individuals, New Zealand corporates and some of the largest multinationals in the world
NOPAs, NORs, conferences, SOPs, adjudications, rulings, Inland Revenue and Customs, appeals and challenges, e-discovery
Information requests, interviews, raids, requests for electronic data, deduction notices, staff interviews, on site audits etc.
Transfer pricing, property developments, GST, Customs, cash suppression, capital / revenue, plant and equipment / buildings etc.
International income, financial arrangements, limited and foreign partnerships, trusts, mergers and acquisitions, public listings, dividends, withholding taxes etc.
Insolvency and receiverships, debt restructuring, debt remission etc
3 years at Inland Revenue
Investigator, Team Leader and Area Manager
Project lead on multi authority cross border tax avoidance and evasion investigations and related disputes and litigation
Competent authority for exchange of information on international audits
8 years as a commercial litigator in South Africa
Commenced practice in 1996, litigation partner in 1999
Acted for clients in the Constitutional Court of South Africa, Supreme Court of Appeal, Appellate Divisions, High Court, Labour Court, Tax Court and Magistrates Courts, arbitrations and mediations

Experience and education
BA LLB - Stellenbosch
MTaxS - Auckland

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